Giới thiệu Dung môi Liquitex Pro Acrylic Medium Glazing Medium - dung tích 237ml/437ml
What it does
Increases color depth, transparency and surface gloss
Dries quickly for rapid layering
Lowers viscosity and minimizes brush strokes
Extends your color further without affecting acrylic stability
Maintains paint adhesion, durability and archival quality
How to use it
Fully intermixable with all Liquitex products
Use with transparent and semi-transparent colors for rich glazed effects
Can be thinned by diluting with up to 25% water - distilled water will give best results
Mix as much as you like into acrylic color to create the viscosity and transparency you want - the more you add, the thinner and more transparent your color will become
Stir gently to avoid creating foam - if bubbles appear, leave it to sit while the bubbles rise and disappear
Color will temporarily lighten and then return to its original level when dry
Mix with Slo-Dri Medium or Slow-Dri Fluid Additive if you want to extend working time
Let each layer dry completely before applying the next
Apply to dry, painted areas to change coloration without losing established detail
How not to use it
Do not shake or vigorously over-brush as this can result in a foggy, hazy look when dry
Do not use with any non-acrylic media